
Leadership Consulting Program

As a leader, are you ready to improve your skills to effectively and confidently communicate with customers, colleagues, and other senior leaders?

Judy can help you develop and polish your skills through a comprehensive consulting program customized to meet your specific needs and challenges—both written and verbal.

From presentations to key documents to company-wide email, the consulting program will help you communicate with more confidence, power, and ease, which is especially important when visibility and stakes are high.

How the consulting program works.

Get your work done while you develop skills. Judy will consult with you on-site or virtually using your own reports, email, presentations, proposals, letters, and interpersonal communication goals as learning tools. You will understand the skills you need to enhance and then apply them to future communications. 

Each session is confidential.

What you gain from the executive leadership consulting program.

Together, you and Judy will assess your communication strengths and needs and develop a plan for success. You can then schedule sessions (up to two hours) with her until your skills improve and you reach your desired business goals.

Designed for both the new and seasoned leader, this fully-customized, multi-session consulting program helps leaders more successfully develop the skills needed to integrate with their teams and other senior leadership to project a polished, professional presence. Following are key components of leadership development to enable you to:

  1. Comport yourself appropriately, both verbally and non-verbally, in all interactions to convey a consistent and professional demeanor.

  2. Manage relationships with good judgment and empathy, while becoming more relatable and approachable within the organization in a manner befitting a leader.

  3. Identify potential unknowns and risk areas that could hinder success and create a negative perception.

  4. Write clear and efficient emails that get readers to notice, read, and respond to your message. Learn to better manage your inbox.

  5. Develop a stronger leadership filter by knowing what and how to communicate, ensuring your message is received and understood.

  6. Manage and facilitate effective meetings at all levels.

  7. Increase your emotional intelligence to navigate difficult conversations with more ease and confidence.

  8. Project a positive executive presence to build trust, credibility, and influence throughout the organization.

All sessions in the program are supported by phone and email, as needed, to answer questions, gauge retention, and follow up on your progress.

 Team & Executive Leadership Consulting Package


Judy works personally with senior leaders and their teams (in-person or virtually) to help them achieve their defined goals. Please use the button below to contact her about customizing a program for your organization.